How do experts find solutions to problems in illumination optics? What happens in the head of an experienced optical designer? In my series of courses, which I often teach together with my friend and colleague Henning Rehn, we give a comprehensive insight into the deep physics and beautiful mathematics of illumination optics. We then fill the “toolbox” with methods and design elements. Finally, using a few archetypal examples, we show how to analyze problems from first principles, and how to use these insights and the toolbox to choose the right design approaches.
Online courses
The next series of online courses is scheduled to start on July 15th, 2024. See for details and registration.
You can also book the courses directly on this website from the shop.
Currently scheduled public courses
My colleague Henning Rehn and I will teach a one day face-to-face course on "Designing Illumination Optics" at the SPIE Optical Systems Design Conference in Strasbourg, France, on April 7th.
Once a year, my colleague Henning Rehn and I teach a full three day course, face to face. The next course will probably take place in Jena in spring of 2025, hosted by OptoNet.
Private courses
The course content and length can be adapted to your needs: Please contact me to schedule a dedicated course for your group at your offices, tailored to your needs, online or at your offices.